The Combaticons are so named for their government vehicle alternate modes, and their proficiency in combat, working together as a smooth unit. They are viewed as the counterparts to the Autobots' Protectobots, a team comprised of rescue vehicles, in addition to their individual abilities the team can combine their bodies and minds together to create the giant warrior, Bruticus.
Bruticus (later called Bruticus Maximus)
The team's combined form of Bruticus is a successful merging of the minds of the Combaticons. He is perhaps the most successful combiner, in that he is not slow and awkward like some other combiners, and will follow commands instantly and without question, with terrifying efficiency and awesome strength. Megatron is pleased with his prowess, and wishes that he had an army of Bruticuses. The only problem is that without someone to tell him what to do, Bruticus will do nothing. While this is the depiction that Bruticus' tech spec offered, his animated appearances showed him as frequently able to act independently, and rarely listen to anyone - even their creator Starscream.
He transforms into an anti-aircraft truck.
He forms the torso of Bruticus.
He is the leader who prefers to formulate strategies and tactics to defeat his opponents rather than sheer brute force.
However, when his plans fail, he can become a devastating force in battle, as his fury that his carefully laid out plans have been thwarted can inspire him to acts to violence.
Blast Off
He transforms into a Space Shuttle.
He forms the right arm of Bruticus.
Although he appears to be a cruel and ruthless opponent to the Autobots and a snob to his fellow Combaticons, but along with Swindle, he is intelligent as well he is in reality somewhat lonely, as his missions in space shuttle mode leave him feeling isolated. Additionally, in the animated series, his wings form the chest plate of Bruticus', although the toy does not function in this manner. The 2009 Universe update of this character changes his alternate mode into a tank.
He transforms into a UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter.
He forms the left arm of Bruticus.
He is the most out-and-out sadistic hothead of the Combaticons, and functions as their interrogator.
His favorite tactic is to trap Autobots in the huge wind funnels he creates in helicopter mode until they tell him what he wants to know.
He is known as Vorter in Japan.
Brawl (later called "Decepticon Brawl")
He transforms into a Leopard Tank.
He forms the left leg of Bruticus
While he is something of a loudmouth and the least intelligent, he is only telling the truth about his abilities.
He has an extremely short temper, provoking bursts of uncontrollable fury that leave him as little more than a berserker in battle.
He transforms into a jeep
He forms the right leg of Bruticus.
He is the most intelligent of the Combaticons.
He may look like he is the most friendly and of the group - in reality he would sell his companions in a heartbeat if it meant he made some cash on the side.
He is blessed with a smooth tongue that means he can sell anything to anyone - even oil to an Arab sheik.
He forms the right leg of Bruticus. The 2009 Universe update of this character changes his alternate mode into a helicopter.