Inferno is a fearless Autobot who has a firetruck as his vehicle form. He relishes the attention he gets for saving lives and extinguishing fires any chance he gets, but Inferno's intentions are always noble, though he rarely gets involved in the battles.
Inferno would be a lot better at his job if he weren't so easily distracted. He genuinely wants to be responsible and perform his job well, but he simply cannot resist getting involved in combat. The rugged and powerful, Inferno likes things to be as intense as possible, although he prefers the heat of battle to the heart of a burning building. He's not unaware of the seriousness of his function, and he does enjoy the chances it offers him to save innocent lives. It's just that Inferno can't turn down an opportunity to get into the thick of the action. Like his fellow Autobot Ironhide Inferno speaks with a thick southern U.S. accent.
Marvel Comics
Inferno also appeared in the Marvel Transformers comic, acting in a capacity similar to his animated self, although he had few notable appearances.
In the U.K. story "Firebug" he is seen arriving on Earth along with Sandstorm and Broadside as part of the Cybertron monitoring team and encountering a Fibernian Firebug.
The trio reappear in the Christmas story "Cold Comfort and Joy" in which they accidentally wreck a human town while trying to join in with the Christmas celebrations, which led to them fighting the Autobot Powermasters.
In the U.K. "Time Wars" storyline he appeared aiding the Wreckers against Galvatron, but was knocked out of the battle when the insane future Decepticon crushed his leg. He was one of the few survivors of the fight and later formed the Survivors along with other survivors of the Wreckers and Decepticon Mayhem Attack Squad. In the US storyline after many battles against the Decepticons, Inferno was deactivated by the Underbase powered Starscream. He was later reactivated by Grimlock who brought him back to life with an infusion of Nucleon. Inferno went on to fight against Unicron, but was later killed again by Bludgeon's ambush (he was not seen being killed, but his wreckage is visible among that of the victims of the ambush). He was resurrected by the coming of Optimus Prime and the Last Autobot, allowing them to defeat the Decepticons.
Issue #279 of the Marvel U.K. Transformers comic featured a story called "Divide and Conquer!" where Soundwave led the bulk of the Decepticon forces on Earth against the Autobot Earthforce headquarters while Starscream attacked an oil tanker. Sent into battle by Prowl, the Dinobots routed the main Decepticon forces while Springer led the Autobot Survivors Inferno, Skids, and Carnivac to defeat Starscream.
His luck ran true to form in the Transformers: Generation 2 comic, however. As he battled the forces of Jhiaxus, he saw his friend Smokescreen gunned down. In a rage, he killed all of them - only to be ambushed by more of them. Inferno dove for cover, but never made it, as the building collapsed on top of him.
The Inferno of the post-The Transformers: The Movie universe appeared in the Marvel U.K. comics, most prominently in the "Legacy of Unicron" arc, where his habit of dying spectacularly continued. He and Smokescreen were dispatched to escort Wreck-Gar back to the Junk. There, they discovered it had been taken over by the decapitated head of Unicron. The two escaped to warn Rodimus Prime, leaving Wreck-Gar behind to free his people, with Inferno being badly injured by the mind-controlled bounty hunter Death's Head. The two arrived on Cybertron - only to discover that Unicron's puppets Cyclonus and Scourge had launched an all-out Decepticon assault. The Decepticons badly damaged the shuttle, and Smokescreen refused to leave his injured friend. Inferno had other ideas and bodily threw him through the windshield to safety. Observing how he had always wanted to go out in a blaze of glory, Inferno crashed the shuttle into a massive group of Decepticons, taking them out but with him dying alongside it.
Conversely, in the nightmarish alternate 2009 seen in "Rhythms of Darkness", where Galvatron has virtually conquered Earth, Inferno is one of only a handful of Autobots left alive. Along with Prowl and Jazz, he is the only survivor of the final battle with Galvatron's forces.