
High Current Transformer

Power system protection is that part of electrical power engineering that deals with protecting the electrical power system from faults by isolating the faulted part from the rest of the network.

The main objective of a protection scheme is to keep the power system stable by isolating only the components that are under fault, whilst leaving as much of the network as possible still in operation. Thus, protection schemes must apply a very pragmatic and pessimistic approach to clearing system faults. For this reason, the technology and philosophies utilized in protection schemes are often old and well-established because they must be very reliable.

Protection systems usually comprise five components:

Current and voltage transformers to step down the high voltages and currents of the electrical power system to convenient levels for the relays to deal with;
Relays to sense the fault and initiate a trip, or disconnection, order;
Circuit breakers to open/close the system based on relay and autorecloser commands;
Batteries to provide power in case of power disconnection in the system.
Communication channels to allow analysis of current and voltage at remote terminals of a line and to allow remote tripping of equipment.
For parts of a distribution system, fuses are capable of both sensing and disconnecting faults.

Three Phase Generator

Toroidal Power Transformer

oil immersed transformer

medical ozone generator

Audio Output Transformer

Surface Mount Transformer

Single Phase Transformer

Portable Diesel Generator

Cummins Generator Set

current sense transformer

common mode inductor

neon light transformers

Gas Generator Set

heavy duty generator

h f transformer

halogen light transformer

air ozone generator

induction heating generator

membrane nitrogen generator

welder and generator

perkins diesel generator

